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How do I choose the right name for my child?

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Are you looking for an original name for your child? Or would you like to find out what your name means, how common it is, and what else there is to know about it? Then be inspired and browse through our directory of over 100,000 first names, full of information on their meaning, popularity and many other interesting stories.

All the names on our site are included in the SmartGenius first name statistics, which means that they have been officially recorded as first names in the US.

What are the most popular names for girls and boys? It may seem like a simple question, but it’s actually difficult to answer, as the popularity of first names is constantly evolving and varies greatly from region to region. Also, there isn’t just ONE official statistic in the US that tells you the distribution of a name. Instead, there are numerous individual statistics for all of the US as well as for individual states. Each of these reveal just a glimpse of the frequency of a name. We’ve done the work for you and have compiled all this data from many sources and have created our own SmartGenius statistics for first names. This is probably the most comprehensive first name database in the United States, which you can easily browse to discover popular, rare, quirky and unusual first names for boys and girls.

The meaning of
first names

Many first names have a profound meaning derived from their linguistic origin and history. For example, the name Benjamin is originally Hebrew and means the “son of fortune” or “child of fortune”. However, Benjamin is often also interpreted to mean “the youngest”, since Benjamin was the last of Jacob’s twelve sons in the Old Testament. Similarly, many first names can be interpreted through their etymology, so not just one interpretation is right, but several interpretations are possible. Hence, there are names that suit someone who is clever, or names that signify love, or promise happiness.

What 's the meaning of
my name?

You won't believe all there is
to discover about a name

names full of love |mom and daughter

Love-themed First Names

Love is everywhere and seems so powerful that it is hardly surprising that numerous deities are dedicated to it. But not only these names carry love...

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The naming law in the US

In the United States, parents have a great deal of freedom in assigning first names, limited only by a few laws. This allows a large amount of leeway, which has led to a variety of names and name trends.

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Finding the right name

A big decision lies ahead of you! Finding the right name for your child is not easy, because your child will have to deal with this name for a lifetime. Here we give you helpful tips.

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Old American names

What are old American names? Isn't that a bit outdated, naming your child something like that? Not at all! Learn more about old American names here.

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Short Names for Girls

You like short name better than long ones as they sound catchy and modern? Have a look at our suggestions for pretty short names for girls.

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Short Names for Boys

Looking for a short name for your son? Isn't that boring? Not at all, finding a creative, unique short name is super easy.

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What is a Cool First Name?

Cool names do not only sound cool, they also make your child look rather stylish! Pick a name that has a cool meaning or sounds casual.

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Unique boy’s names

A unique boy name is hard to find? Not at all! Here you will find everything you need to know about unique, beautiful boy's names.

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Badass Names for Boys

You love rebels? Who go their own way and are also role models? Then you are in the right place - looking for a badass name for your boy.

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Classy Names for Girls

You prefer a classy name for your daughter? Take a look at our suggestions and find out why some names sound more classy than others.

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What are Typical USA Female Names?

Do you want to let everyone know that your daughter is from the USA? Then you're probably looking for a typical American name! We compiled our Top 30 for you

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What is a Rare Girl’s Name?

You are looking for a rare girl's name to let your daughter feel unique and to stand out from mainstream? Have a look at our suggestions!

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Classy Names for Boys

You think names like Charles and Albert sound nice? Then you are in the right place if you are looking for an elegant, classy name for your son.

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What is the #1 Male Name?

The most popular boy's name of all time? Or rather the current #1? Here you will find answers to both questions - an important aid in the name search.

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What are Popular First Names?

You want to know which names are popular and trendy? Then take a look, here are the answers to the most important questions.

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What are Typical USA Male Names?

Typical American Names? Do they even exist? Definitely, here you will find inspiration and ideas for boys' names.

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The Name Noah: The current sensation

The name Noah is the current hit - not only in the USA. Here is everything you need to know about this simple and beautiful name.

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The Name Liam: The Irish Guardian

Oh, beautiful Liam, what are you doing to the world? This first name is a real hit, it inspires thousands of parents. Here you will learn everything you need to know about Liam.

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The Name Charlotte: The Free One

Charlotte is the hit! A traditional and at the same time modern name with an interesting history. Dive into the fabulous world of Charlotte.

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The Name Ethan: A Strong Companion

You long for a strong, reliable companion in your life? Then look out for Ethan. You can find everything you need to know about this beautiful name here.

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The Name Abigail: A cause for joy

What sparks joy? The right name for sure. Check out Abigail, a beautiful sounding name at its prime.

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The Name Benjamin: Son of the South

Everyone knows the name Benjamin. But it still has secrets. Here you will learn them and appreciate this beautiful name!

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