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What is the #1 Female Name?

You would like to know which is the current #1 female? Or are you more interested in which name is the most common ever? We will have the whole nine yards for you and answer both of the questions – both in case that you affect frequent names or you would rather shun them.

What is the Current #1 Female Name in the U.S.?

It’s not rocket science: Some names are more popular than others. Many parents choose the name just for this reason, while others prefer to renounce it. It’s always a matter of zeitgeist if a name is trendy or if it’s totally out of fashion. But there are also names that prevail for a long time, as they seem to be so timeless.

In current years parents seem to have a partiality for the name Emma. Currently, it is #1 female name in the USA, as over 20,000 babies receive the name Emma each year. In the last ten years, 1.2 % of all the girls are named Emma. While these trends typically last for ten years, the top five spots shift from time to time.

What is the #1 Female Name of all Time?

Considering the top five positions, it is quite possible that the names Olivia, Sophia, Isabella or Ava become the #1 female names anytime soon. If you look even further down the rankings, you might find Natalie, Zoey, or Hannah among the female up-and-comers. Now it depends on whether you are more fan of the popular or rare names. If you look at the SmartGenius statistics of the last hundred years, you come to a completely different conclusion.

The statistics take into account all living people – from babies to teenagers, from people in their mid-forties to elderly women. With this in mind, Mary seems to be the #1 female name since 1880. Currently there are 3,757,625 people living in the US named Mary. That makes 1.1 % of the entire population. The second and first common names are Elizabeth (1,561,998 people) and Patricia (1,571,825 people).