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Boys' names with V

Only about one in 75 boys' first names in the US begins with the letter V…

This makes V an extremely rare initial. Even fewer boys' names start with the letters U, X and Q. By the way, the most common initials for boys' first names are J and A.

In fact, no boys‘ names starting with V are particularly popular at the moment. The boy’s name Vincent is still most commonly used in the United States. Other names starting with V are Victor and Vihaan.

First names directory

An unusual first name
In the U.S. men with the name Vaahin are almost unique
In the U.S. men with the name Vaayu are almost unique
Very rare in U.S.
Only a few boys in the States are called Vache
Given only a few times a year
Given only a few times a year
Given only a few times a year
Seldom given in the U.S.
Rarely found in the United States
In the United States really uncommon
In the United States really uncommon
In the United States really uncommon
Given only a few times a year
In the U.S. men with the name Vadir are almost unique
Rarely found in the United States
An unusual first name
An unusual first name
A really unusual first name
Only a few boys in the States are called Vahe
Extremely rare in the U.S.
In the U.S. men with the name Vahin are almost unique
Seldom given in the U.S.
An unusual first name
Extremely rare in the U.S.

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