About one in fifteen girls' first names in the United States begins with the letter L…
This makes letter L an above-average initial for girls' first names – with 26 letters of the alphabet, each letter is the initial of a girls' first names by an average of 3.8 %. In fact, the letters that form initials aren’t distributed evenly – some initials are very common, while others are very rare. The most common initials among girls' names in the United States are A and S, while very few names begin with the letters U and X.
In the US, the most common girl’s name with the initial L is Lily. Recently in the United States, approximately one in 250 girls has been named Lily. Other well-known names with a L are Layla and Lillian. The name Lainey, on the other hand, is also well known in the US and has been used occasionally in recent years, but is generally still quite rare.