A unisex name is special because it can signify both a boys’ name and a girls’ name.
Of all common unisex names in the U.S., only about 1.5% begin with the letter V.... On the other hand, 1.3% of common boys' names begin with the letter V, such as Vincent or Victor, while 1.6% of girls' names do, including Victoria or Valentina. Indicating that the initial letter V is more common in girls' names, but less common in boys' names. If all letters of the alphabet were equally represented in first names, each letter would occur with a frequency of 3.8 %. From this, it can be interpreted that the letter V, with only 1.3 % to 1.6 %, generally occurs rather rarely as the first letter of given names.
We classify names as unisex that are not just officially suitable for both boys and girls, but which have actually been used many times in the English-speaking world for both boys and girls in recent years. Some of the unisex names may have more female or male connotations for individuals, but this is often subjective and goes back to the fact that in your own circle of acquaintances, you might have a boy or man, or a girl or a woman, who has this name.